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Learn the top SEO tactics you need for 2024 including voice search, quality links, and mobile optimization from industry experts

SEO strategies for 2024 As we approach the new year., which means it’s time to look ahead at the upcoming search engine optimization trends, techniques, and services that will dominate the industry. As a leading SEO company, Exogrow Solutions constantly has its finger on the pulse of the latest algorithm shifts, user behavior changes, and website best practices.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key considerations for SEO success in 2024 and how Exogrow Solutions tailors its services to help businesses capitalize on these opportunities.

Voice Search Optimization Becomes Imperative

Voice search has been on the rise for years, and by 2024 it will become a primary means of querying for a large portion of search engine users. Per a report by Comscore, 50% of all searches will be conducted by voice by 2020.

Smart speakers like Amazon Alexa and Google Home are flooding households, making voice queries more convenient than ever. And with the improvement in AI technology, voice search will become smarter and understand more nuanced natural language questions.

For businesses, this means optimizing for conversational long-tail keyword phrases to appear for voice search results. Instead of “men’s fitness tips,” you need to target questions like “Alexa, what exercise routine should I do to get in shape?”

SEO strategies for 2024 Local SEO Becomes Crucial for Visibility

As more people search for local businesses on the go, local SEO will be make-or-break for visibility in 2024. Location-based searches like “plumber San Francisco” or “pizza near me” are increasingly common. If your business doesn’t appear with an optimized Google My Business listing, you’ll miss out on tons of qualified traffic.

Exogrow Solutions offers comprehensive local SEO services to rank your GMB listing and website. This includes GMB profile optimization, local link building, localized on-page SEO, local content marketing, citation building, and review generation. Our local SEO services will be vital to drive foot traffic to your physical store.

Mobile Optimization Is Necessary to Please Google

Considering that over 60% of searches now happen on mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website will be an absolute must by 2024. Google has already started implementing mobile-first indexing, meaning they crawl and index the mobile version of your site to determine rankings.

Pages that load slowly or have usability issues on mobile will plummet in the results. Exogrow Solutions does advanced mobile optimization, from speed enhancements to fixing navigation issues. We’ll make sure your website offers an amazing user experience on all devices.

Long-Form, Multimedia Content Is King

In 2024, creating search-friendly content will require long-form articles, videos, interactive content and other multimedia formats. Short blog posts will no longer cut it. Google is prioritizing in-depth content that offers real value to users.

Exogrow Solutions has expert content strategists and creators ready to produce high-quality blogs, videos, and other content that is engaging, educational and optimized for your target customer interests. This content will drive more qualified organic traffic to your site.

A.I. and Machine Learning Gain Prominence

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in SEO will see expanded use cases by 2024. From optimizing content structure to analyzing user intent signals, A.I. will be crucial for helping SEOs streamline campaigns.

Exogrow Solutions uses A.I.-powered tools for keyword research, content optimization, site audits, rank tracking and more. This allows our experts to scale campaigns efficiently while still maintaining quality and precision. Our adoption of A.I. gives your website an advantage.

Page Experience Factors Heavily in Rankings

Core web vitals like page speed, on-page UX, site security, technical SEO and more will become much more important ranking signals in 2024. Google has already introduced page experience as a component in search results. Optimizing this will be crucial.

Exogrow Solutions offers advanced technical SEO audits and fixes including site speed optimizations, Core Web Vitals improvements, URL mapping, page content fixes and more. We’ll make enhancements to provide the optimal on-site experience and page quality signals to Google.

Google is cracking down on manipulative link networks and poor-quality links. Link building tactics will shift towards a focus on authoritative, niche relevant links from trusted websites. The quality and context of links will matter more than just quantity.

Exogrow Solutions has mastered the art of white hat link building, focusing on earned media mentions, strategic partnerships, customer referrals and otherinbound linking tactics that build trust and authority for your brand. Our holistic approach will diversify your backlink profile for sustainable wins.

Personalization and Localization Go Mainstream

With users expecting more tailored experiences, localized and personalized content will be par for the course in 2024. From location-based recommendations to personalized product suggestions, custom content is the future.

Exogrow Solutions will help you tap into personalization for better SEO through geo-targeted content, personalized site experiences, smart A.I. recommendations, and more. Localization options will also help you better optimize for global and regional audiences.

Surging Popularity of New SERP Features

Google will continue adding new search engine result page features like images, videos, featured snippets, knowledge graphs, etc. These enable users to get answers directly from the SERP without needing to visit a website. Ranking for these features in 2024 will be vital for traffic.

Exogrow Solutions is adept at optimizing pages for ranking in featured snippets, knowledge panels, image carousels, and other emerging SERP features. This will get your brand seen by more searching users right on the results page itself.

Expanded Use of Automation and SEO Software

With the expanding capabilities of SEO software, reliance on automation through crawlers, AI, data analytics, etc. will rise significantly in 2024 and beyond. Manual optimization alone will not cut it anymore.

Exogrow Solutions uses the latest and greatest SEO software tools to perform technical audits, research keywords, track rankings, analyze user data, build links at scale and more. Our use of cutting-edge software gives your website an advantage through more precise optimization and insights.

Increased Synergy Between SEO and Content Marketing

SEO and content marketing will need to become fully integrated for the best results in 2024. Using data intelligence to optimize content for SEO while also promoting it through owned channels like social media will be vital.

Exogrow Solutions offers full integration of your SEO and content marketing efforts. Our platform combines publishing and syndication tools, analytics integrations, and cross-channel promotion features to make your content work harder across both organic and paid acquisition channels.

A wider range of link building strategies will need to be leveraged in 2024 to build natural-looking profiles. This includes outbound tactics like content outreach and guest posting as well as inbound tactics like viral content, link bait assets and influencer marketing.

Exogrow Solutions diversifies link building with creative tactics that drive steady results, including:

  • Guest graphics – Infographics placed on other high-authority sites
  • W questioned link building – Placing “W questions” that lead to your content
  • Contest and sweepstakes link building – Contests that drive links to you
  • 401(k) link building – Building links when competitors go out of business
  • Skyscraper link building – Creating superior content that overtakes competitor resources

And much more! Our diversified, omni-channel approach results in a robust, natural link profile that search engines love.

Increased SEO Budget Allocation

As organic rankings become harder to crack, brands will need to increase their SEO budget allocation to execute multifaceted campaigns with paid support. Large enterprises that once relegated SEO to a small slice of budget will need more resources.

Exogrow Solutions can work with any size business and provides complete flexibility in monthly budgets and spending. Whether you are a startup or Fortune 500 company, we will tailor solutions that fit your budget while delivering maximum ROI from the resources allocated.

As shown above, the SEO landscape in 2024 will require awareness of many new trends and technologies to stay on top. But this also presents huge opportunities for growth. Partner with Exogrow Solutions to take advantage of everything SEO has to offer your business in the coming years.

Our fully managed SEO services include:

Technical SEO

  • Site speed optimization
  • Mobile optimization
  • Core Web Vitals improvements
  • Advanced technical audits
  • URL structure mapping
  • 404 error fixing
  • AMP integration

On-Page SEO

  • Title & meta tag optimization
  • Content optimization
  • Image SEO
  • Site architecture
  • Internal linking structure
  • Schema markup implementation
  • Local on-page optimization

Content Marketing

  • Targeted blog content
  • Guest posting
  • Local page content
  • Video marketing

Link Building

  • Manual outreach for quality links
  • Syndication of content to other sites
  • Strategic partnership links
  • Guestographics
  • W questioned link building
  • Contest & sweepstakes links
  • 401(k) lost link building
  • Skyscraper model for linkable assets

Local SEO

  • Google My Business optimization
  • GMB posts and messaging
  • Local citations
  • Community directory listings
  • Local link building
  • Location pages and landing pages

Reporting & Analytics

  • Rank tracking
  • ROI measurement
  • Link reporting
  • Traffic analytics
  • Lead and conversion tracking
  • Goal setting and progress monitoring

Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Landing page optimization
  • Split testing
  • Site speed enhancements
  • Checkout flow fixes
  • Form & navigation optimization
  • Cart abandonment reduction

Maintenance & Protection

  • Algorithm monitoring and updates
  • Disavow toxic links
  • Reputation management
  • Accessibility enhancements
  • Security & malware monitoring
  • Site uptime monitoring

International SEO

  • Country and region landing pages
  • Localized content
  • Geo-specific technical optimizations
  • International link building
  • Multilingual SEO

With this full range of cutting-edge services, Exogrow Solutions is ready to take your SEO results to new heights in 2024 and dominate the first page of Google. We stay ahead of the latest search engine trends and technologies so you can capitalize on every opportunity available.

The future of SEO will require agility, creativity and the ability to move at the pace of innovation. With Exogrow Solutions as your partner, your website will offer the fastest page speeds, highest quality content, and best overall user experience possible.

We’re ready to assess your current SEO program and build a comprehensive growth roadmap to carry your success into 2024 and beyond. Let’s connect to kickstart your future-proof SEO strategy today!


Q: What is digital marketing?

A: Digital marketing is the promotion of products, brands or services using digital technologies and channels such as search engines, social media, email, websites, and mobile apps. It allows for highly targeted, measurable and interactive marketing.

Q: What is a digital marketing strategy?

A: A digital marketing strategy is a long-term plan leveraging digital channels to achieve marketing goals by increasing website traffic, conversions, sales and overall brand growth through areas like SEO, content marketing, paid ads and social media.

Q: What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

A: SEO is the process of improving a website’s visibility in organic/unpaid search engine results by creating content and optimizing technical elements tailored to how search engines evaluate pages.

Q: How can I improve my website’s SEO ranking?

A: Key ways to improve SEO ranking include technical optimizations, quality backlinks, optimized content, great user experience, local SEO strategies, voice search optimization and leveraging AI/ML.

Q: What are some important SEO searches and keywords to target?

A: Important SEO keywords include your brand name, product names, industry terms, location, FAQs, comparisons, best/top etc. Researching search volume is key for keyword targeting.

Q: What is content marketing?

A: Content marketing is creating and sharing valuable, relevant content to attract and retain customers. Quality blog posts, videos, podcasts, case studies, ebooks and more can set you apart.

Q: What is PPC in digital marketing?

A: PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising, a form of digital marketing where advertisers pay a fee each time a user clicks on their ad, usually placed through Google Ads and social media ads.

Read More :

Digital Marketing in 2024: The Complete Guide


July 2024
